7th Conference of the PRSA
was held at Cornell University
in Ithaca, NY
5-8 OCTOBER 2006
Here are a few composite photos from the 2006 meeting. The conference was a great success, and a fine time was had by all, as can be seen here. Unfortunately we didn’t get photos of the sessions, but they were well attended and by all accounts lived up to PRSA standards: always very interesting!
Download the official meeting report (PDF)
The conference opened with a welcoming reception at the Africana Studies and Research Center. Program Chair Gladys Jiménez, President Vilma Santiago-Irizarry, and Africana Studies Director Salah Hassan welcomed attendees, and the keynote address was given by Ana Irma Rivera Lassen. We then had a chance to mingle over food and wine for a while, an invigorating start to the conference.

We had poster exhibits, where presenters had the opportunity to meet and talk with people. These were done by two students from Depaul, Iliana González and Edgar Molina, who seemed to really enjoy the experience.

Because we were meeting on campus where restaurants aren’t an option, breakfasts and lunches were included in the registration. It was Fall Break at Cornell, so we had private use of one of the dining halls.

As usual, the Centro exhibit was a highlight of the meeting. We planned the exhibits area to include plenty of room for people to mingle, and it was well used!

A special treat this year was the “Evening with El Puerto Rican Embassy,” a line-up of performances organized for us by Adál Maldonado and co-sponsored by the Latino Civic Association of Tompkins County. There was poetry by Mariposa and Flaco Navaja, video by Adál (who also emceed), and great music by Frank Cotto and ¡Vaya!, and excellent food provided by a local Cuban caterer. A wonderful finale for this successful meeting!