Past and Present
Current Officers
President: Luis Aponte-Parés, U Mass-Boston
Vice President and President-elect: Gladys Jiménez-Muñoz, Binghamton U
Past-president: Vilma Santiago-Irizarry, Cornell U
Secretary: Myrna García-Calderón, Syracuse U
Treasurer: Frederic Gleach, Cornell U
Webmaster: Frederic Gleach, Cornell U
Executive Council:
Anthony de Jesus, Hunter College – CENTRO
Charles Venator Santiago, Ithaca College
Amarilis Hidalgo de Jesús, Bloomsburg U
Ana Yolanda Ramos-Zayas, Rutgers U
Erika Abad, Washington State U (Student Representative)
Previous PRSA Officers
President: Vilma Santiago-Irizarry, Cornell U
Vice President and President-elect: Luis Aponte-Pares, U Mass-Boston
Past-president: Pedro Cabán, U Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Secretary: Manuel Frau-Ramos, U Mass-Amherst
Treasurer: Nelia Olivencia, U Wisconsin-Whitewater
Webmaster: Frederic Gleach, Cornell U
Executive Council:
Amarilis Hidalgo de Jesús, Bloomsburg U
Félix V. Matos-Rodríguez, La Fortaleza
Ana Yolanda Ramos-Zayas, Rutgers U
Yvonne G. Rodriguez, Rowan U
María Castillo, U Wisconsin-Whitewater (Student Representative)
Vicky Nuñez, U Mass-Amherst (Student Representative)
President: Pedro A. Cabán, U Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Vice President and President-elect: Vilma Santiago-Irizarry, Cornell U
Past President: Edna Acosta-Belén, SUNY-Albany
Secretary: Manuel Frau-Ramos, U Mass-Amherst
Treasurer: Gladys Jiménez-Muñoz, Binghamton U
Executive Council:
Yvonne González-Rodríguez, Rowan U
Nelia Olivencia, U Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Deborah Woeckner-Saavedra, SUNY-Albany
Efraín Martínez, U Illinois-Chicago
President: Edna Acosta-Belén, SUNY-Albany
Past President: Carlos E. Santiago, SUNY-Albany
Vice President and President-elect: Pedro A. Cabán, U Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Secretary: Manuel Frau-Ramos, U Mass-Amherst
Treasurer: Gladys Jiménez-Muñoz, Binghamton U
Executive Council:
Luis Aponte-Parés, U Mass-Boston
Arlene Dávila, New York U
Vilma Santiago-Irizarry, Cornell U
Carmen T. Whalen, Williams C
Roberto Vélez-Vélez, SUNY-Albany (Student Representative)
Jacqueline Villarrubia, SUNY-Albany (Student Representative)
** further history still to be added **
Ernesto Ramos-Nieves, Comité Noviembre poster, 1992
PRSA Officers
Past Officers